IRL BRIN - Reaktor KartiniInternet Reactor Laboratory

Internet Reactor Laboratory

Internet Reactor Laboratory (IRL) is a means of learning about nuclear physics in this case by utilizing Kartini reactor as a tool and material of education and training. The topic of learning is about understanding theoretical physics of nuclear physics especially the reactor physics and practice of such understanding through interactive Website tools so that the distance problem between Kartini reactor user (e.g student) and reactor owner/operator (host) can be shortened for efficiency and effectiveness of education and training implementation. The IRL is designed for users at higher education levels (University student).

Indonesia has a very wide area and the location of universities spread in various regions. The study of science and nuclear technology, especially education and training in the practice and operation of research reactors, can utilize Kartini's remedial facilities remotely (IRL). The existence of this IRL facility can make its own regional excellence in the spreading of nuclear technology for higher education. In classrooms consisting of users (e.g. students) and instructors/mentors (e.g. lecturers) interact on line with Kartini reactor operators (host) via website. The lecturer gives explanation and knowledge about reactor physics theory in class using the theoretical window at website URL in selected menu. Interaction with the Kartini reactor operators is carried out for the selected experiments which have been approved for implementation as a prior request. Approval of request is made after the user and host make a memorandum of understanding regarding the purposes of utilizing this IRL for the user.

The reactor physics experiment is carried out by the laboratory operators located at the reactor operating site in the Kartini reactor building. Experimental results are presented in a graphical form or in the form of physics and reactor operating parameters. IRL development increases Kartini's reactor capability in serving education and training. Through the use of IRL, it is expected that geographical problems are not an obstacle in order to understand the operation and kinetics of nuclear reactors to students in universities located far from the Kartini reactor site. The concept of IRL is illustrated in Figure 1.

IRL completeness includes teleconference system and software for data acquisition systems. The data of reactor operating process parameters can be visualized at the same time (real time) at the time of reactor kinetics experiment. To participate in the IRL, the institution that wishes to utilize the research reactor should have two things: teleconference equipment and data acquisition software. The atmosphere and situation of the main control room, operating data and experiments can be displayed in the classroom by the instructor as a user through the software and delivered to the student. Instructor as a class Informer (lecturer) can explain parameter data (process operation and or experiment) to the audience (student). Monitored data can be collected through existing data base so that it can be displayed and repeated as necessary.