IRL BRIN - Reaktor KartiniInternet Reactor Laboratory

Kartini Reactor History

Kartini Reactor is a nuclear research reactor (non power) type Triga Mark II. Maximum power Kartini Reactor 250 kW, operating power 100 kW. The history of nuclear reactors in Indonesia starts from the construction of research reactor type TRIGA Mark II (Training Research and Isotope Production by General Atomic), in the 1960s in Bandung. The reactor was built by General Atomic Co., San Diego, CA, USA, designed and built with a power of 250 kW, reached its first critical date on October 10, 1964. That year has also begun construction of a Russian-built IRT-2000 type research reactor built in Serpong, but in 1965 its construction was delayed due to the events of the G-30-S-PKI movement. Then in 1971 the TRIGA Mark II Bandung reactor power was upgraded to 1000 kW, the core system was replaced with a core for 1000 kW capacity.

In 1974, based on the Decree of the Director General of BATAN No. No. 119 / DJ / 13 / XI / 1974 dated November 13, 1974, formed a group named the Reactor Development Team of the Atomic Gamma Research Center, tasked with planning and executing the construction of a nuclear reactor at the Atom Gama Research Center (Puslit) Yogyakarta. The Reactor Development Team designed the reactor by utilizing the reactor core of 250 kW of former TRIGA Mark-II Bandung reactor and reactor tank of IRT-2000 Serpong reactor. Physical construction was completed by the end of 1978, the first criticality test was conducted on Thursday, January 25, 1979 at 17:40 WIB. Furthermore, the use of the reactor was launched by President Soeharto on March 1, 1979, and was given the name "Kartini Reactor" as well as operating at power level for the first time at 50 kW nominal power level.

In 1981 the Atomic Energy Research Center developed into the Center for Research on Pure and Instrumented Materials (PPBMI), based on the Decree of Director General of BATAN No. 31 / DJ / B / IV / 1981. In 1981 the Kartini reactor operated at a power level of 100 kW. In 1984 the Kartini reactor was equipped with the facility of a subcritical Uranium natural - H2O reactor device, which was coupled to one of its beamport. Then in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 82 year 1985, PPBMI changed its name to Yogyakarta Nuclear Research Center (PPNY), with Decree of Head of BATAN No. 166 / KA / IV / 2001 on Organization and Working Procedure of BATAN, changed again to Center for Advanced Research and Technology Development (P3TM) BATAN, then with SK Ka BATAN No. 392 / KA / XI / 2005 concerning the structure of BATAN Organization changed into AKSELERATOR TECHNOLOGY CENTER AND MATERIAL PROCESS (PTAPB).

Perka BATAN number 14 of 2013 on the organization and working procedures of BATAN changed into CENTER FOR ACCELERATOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (PSTA). At the age of 37 years in September 2016 Reactor Kartini still able to perform operations for 100 hours non-stop. This achievement received deserves appreciation considering the age of nearly 40 years. In order to improve the performance and safety of the Kartini in 2017 reactor has done some replacement of new components due to aging such as, cooling tower and secondary cooling system pipe.