IRL BRIN - Reaktor KartiniInternet Reactor Laboratory

Contact Us

If you have any question regarding our services, or you want to submit criticism, suggestions or complaints about the IRL service, please contact our customer service centre at irlkartini [at] brin [dot] go [dot] id or via the SP4N-LAPOR channel on the website
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan terkait layanan kami, atau Anda ingin menyampaikan kritik, saran atau keluhan mengenai layanan IRL, silakan hubungi pusat layanan pelanggan kami di irlkartini [at] brin [dot] go [dot] id atau melalui kanal SP4N-LAPOR di website

Babarsari, Yogyakarta, Republic of Indonesia


irlkartini [at] brin [dot] go [dot] id


Instalasi Reaktor Kartini (Chat Only)
+62 815-9910-069